Hypnobirthing Australia™

The term hypnobirthing can be off-putting to some, but I can assure you there is no hypnosis involved, only you learning tools to enter a deep sate of relaxation aka self hypnosis.

Hypnobirthing Australia™ have created Australia’s most popular childbirth education class, ‘The Positive Birth Program’, and it is absolutely brilliant! It is evidence based, regularly updated and relevant to the Australian maternity system. They also offer the Hypnobubs™ self-paced online option.

Hypnobirthing is for everyone, first time mamas, home birth, belly birth, medicated, unmedicated. The program does not aim for a “natural birth at all cost”, we know birth is unpredictable and our bodies individual. Instead the focus is on educating and preparing mamas and birth partners to to feel excited for birth, and confident in their body’s abilities.

The class covers birth physiology, hormones, ‘fear, tension, pain’ cycle and the ‘cascade of interventions’.hospital policy, and everything in-between. You and your birth partner will walk away knowing how to work as a united team, to be on the same page and to achieve YOUR version of a positive birth.

course options

Course outline.

  • Introduction to the positive mindset of hypnobirthing

    How our brain is wired to birth

    The role of our caregivers

    Mind/body connection

    What is self-hypnosis and how will we use it for birthing?

    Our hormones are our friends

    My amazing uterus – understanding the physiology behind birthing

    Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome

    Causes of Fear (including history) and how it affects our labour

    Re-programming the Subconscious

    The language for empowered birthing

    The power of affirmations

    Birthing environment

  • Birth music

    Conditioning with scent

    Hypnotic anchors and triggers

    Releasing endorphins through massage and touch

    Acupressure techniques for pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding

    Visualisations for pregnancy, labour & birthing

    The importance of facial relaxation

    Relaxation Breathing – a skill for life

    Surge Breathing – the best tool ever!

    Techniques to help make your surges more comfortable

    The ‘urge’ to push/bear down – Breathing/Bearing down

  • Bonding with baby

    Choices in maternity care

    Birth Preferences – having open communication with your caregivers

    Knowledge is power – researching common interventions and procedures

    Questions to ask, to assist in making informed decisions

    Birth partner as advocate

    ‘Guess date’ – a normal range of pregnancy

    Inductions – things you’re not always told

    Achieving a natural start to labour

    Maintaining a healthy diet

    Preparing the body – staying active

    Optimising baby’s position

    Breech or Posterior – options & positions

    Instant relaxation techniques

    Self-hypnosis, meditation and deep relaxation techniques & scripts

  • What to expect in the weeks and days leading up to birth

    Signs that labour is starting

    What to expect through labour (membranes releasing etc)

    When to call the midwife/go to the hospital

    Accidental home/car birth – what to do!

    Birth partner’s role

    Common procedures

    Using water during labour and birth

    Upright positioning, movement and birth positions

    Special circumstances (including caesarean birth)

    Fear release


    Cord clamping & placenta delivery

    Undisturbed bonding & breastfeeding time – skin to skin

    What to expect afterwards

    Self-hypnosis – Rehearsal for Birth

    A practice routine – preparation for birth!


  • There is no wrong time, and if you are towards the end of your pregnancy journey get in touch and I will tailor a class especially.

    Ideally anytime between 20-30 weeks is great as you get more time to learn and practice the skills, listen to the MP3s allowing your mind and body to be ready for birthing your baby.

  • Despite what you may have heard the mamas who use this technique are fully awake and aware of their surroundings.

    The course focus on self-hypnosis as a state of deep relaxation which is achieved through visualisation and audio tracks.

  • It was created here in Australia and is packed FULL of up to date, evidence based, quality material to help mamas and birth partners prepare for birth.

    The aim is to educate and therefor change perceptions such as ‘birth is painful’ and just ‘something you have to get through’.

    You will learn the role fear plays in perceived pain, the hormones that result froths process then how to release that fear allowing endorphins to peak.

  • You sure do! I will touch base throughout the rest of your pregnancy and am available via email and SMS for you to ask any questions up until bub arrives.

    You also get access to a private Facebook group.

    I personally offer personalised, and more in-depth support packages separate from this course, email me to find out more.

  • The course sets no promise of a pain-free birth, instead it gives you an understanding of the role fear plays in pain. It gives you tools to work through your labour and any turns it may take.

    Relaxed body, free from tension and fear will naturally release endorphins, further relaxing the birthing mama.